
De veerkracht van Boetsja (UKR)

"We spent two weeks in a basement. We hadfood, but no light and no heating. We heated our water over candles and slept with our felt boots on."

Experience the intense story of Yana Rudenko, who, at the age of 23, personally witnessed the ordeal in Bucha (March 2022).

She spent days without electricity and connection, gripped by the constant fear and uncertainty of what dangers the next day might bring to her and those around her. Her narrative reveals the profound effects of such circumstances on both herself and her surroundings.

"We spent two weeks in a basement. We had food, but no light and no heating. We heated our water over candles and slept with our felt boots on."

Note: This is an emotional masterclass designed to activate the mindset for long-term crisis management and disaster response. Beyond the story of war, it focuses on resilience, mental resilience, and actionable perspectives. Join this intimate masterclass to hear the raw truth about the impact that a prolonged crisis has on citizens.

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